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Leonna Morris, Jahnia Chen, John Keen, Amed Sylla, CWP102: Argumentation and Research
Faculty Mentor(s): Professor Jane Sullivan, College Writing Program, Dr. Susan Mary Paige, Academic Success

For centuries, America has been portrayed as the land of the free inviting those who seek refuge and a better life. But for too many families, America has not been the better life they expected. The idea of bondage has drastically changed from what once was a picture of slaves locked in chains and shackles to the systematic chains of poverty America currently faces. Many people from these low-income communities transition to well-respected figures in society while others remain to struggle in breaking this cycle. Which allows a person to ask, “how do you break the cycle of poverty?” Is the answer in higher education? To find the answers, we will look to examine the support services available to students in a SUNY college system, and specifically the success of EOP, to identify how many lower income students (a) use support programs, (b) graduate, (c) continue to graduate programs or find employment in their field, and (d) raise their economic status. With IRB approval, we will assemble demographic data from programs at SUNY Buffalo State College (EOP, NCAN, Say Yes). This will help determine the frequency of (a) use, (b) retention numbers and graduation rates, and (c) prospects after graduation, to recommend the most effective strategies for improving one's economic standing.

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The Cycle Of Poverty: What Allows a Person To Break the Cycle
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