

Emily Czarniak



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Emily Czarniak, HON400: All College Honors Colloquium
Faculty Mentor(s): Professor Liza Bair, Elementary Education, Literacy, and Educational Leadership

The most influential people in a child's life are their family and their teachers. When schools and families become partners in the child's schooling, it positively impacts the child's learning. Schools as a whole should make significant efforts to collaborate with families and the surrounding communities. When COVID-19 first hit the United States, many schools and educators had to rethink their everyday operations. This included how to reimagine families' engagement in their child's education. As a future elementary school teacher, it will be beneficial for all stakeholders (students, families, teachers, schools, and the community) to incorporate family collaboration into my classroom - especially in mathematics. For this project, I include information about the importance of family engagement in elementary mathematics and examples of what it looked like before the pandemic. I also include information from various sources, from books, to articles, to information from a local elementary school. Finally, I provide ideas for collaborating with Kindergarten families whose children are engaged in 100% remote mathematics learning. My poster shares ideas for educators and schools looking for imaginative ways to partner with families during this unprecedented time.

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How Can Elementary Schools Reimagine Family Engagement During a Pandemic?
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