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Shaeanne Bernard, PSY 495: Special Project
Faculty Mentor: Professor Kimberly Kamper-DeMarco, Psychology
College can be a highly stressful environment for some individuals. This research study aims to examine whether self-regulation is associated with internalizing symptoms among college students. Previous research has shown that college students are at risk for high rates of mental health problems like depression and anxiety (i.e., internalizing symptoms; Brody et al., 2018). In fact, Brody and colleagues reported that approximately 7.7% of adults in the US, around college are (i.e., 20-29) reported having depression, with that number rising to 10.1% for women in that age range. A study conducted with 374 college students on academic success and its association with internalizing symptoms. Beiter and colleagues reported that in the USA, almost 10% of university students have been diagnosed with, or treated for, depression over the past 12 months (Beiter et al., 2015). These mental health problems can make getting through a time of autonomy more difficult and as such a better understanding of the contributing factors to internalizing problems in college students is needed. Self-regulation can be defined as “controlling one's behavior, emotions, and thoughts in the pursuit of long-term goals” (Cuncic, 2020). This may be an important predictor of internalizing problems. For the current study, we investigated the association between self-regulation and internalizing symptoms via an online questionnaire. Assessments of self-regulation included the Stroop Task (Stroop, 1935) and the Brief Self-Control Scale (Tangney et al., 2004) while the Inventory of Depression and Anxiety Symptoms (IDAS; Watson et al., 2007) was used to assess internalizing problems. Data collection is currently ongoing.
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Bernard, Shaeanne, "Self-Regulation and Internalizing Symptoms in College Students" (2020). Psychology and Social Sciences. 22nd Annual Student Research and Creativity Conference. SUNY Buffalo State.