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Kathleen Dunne, Alana Kary, Taylor Schneeberger and Christina Scioli, CWP 102: Argumentation and Research
Faculty Mentors: Professor Susan Mary Paige, Academic Success Program and Professor Jane E. Sullivan, College Writing Program
A traditional family unit is typically composed of a female and male parent. Adoptions by same sex couples has alleviated prejudices against non-traditional families however some view this family arrangement as problematic for the children involved. Many countries do not legally allow LGBTQ couples to adopt children. The stigmas surrounding this community, with many opponents standing on their religious beliefs, do not allow same-sex couples to adopt. We believe that allowing LGBTQ couples to adopt would provide stable homes for children in the failing adoption and foster care systems. Previous research studies suggested that children with same-sex parents have less behavioral and social problems and may even have better emotional connections with their parents. We are focusing on the current state of the adoption and foster care systems in conservative states (Texas, Mississippi and South Dakota) that have passed legislation limiting LGBTQ adoptions. We will replicate a study that documented behavioral patterns of children who grew up with LGBTQ parents and compared them to children who grew up with traditional families. With prior IRB approval, we collected data on: (a) the demographics of prospective adoptive families; (b) the numbers of adoptions in each category this; and (c) measures of the adjustment of children adopted by LGBTQ couples compared to traditional families.
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Dunne, Kathleen; Kary, Alana; Schneeberger, Taylor; and Scioli, Christina, "Nontraditional Child Welfare Placements: A Study on LGBTQ Adoption" (2020). Psychology and Social Sciences. 22nd Annual Student Research and Creativity Conference. SUNY Buffalo State.