
Creation Date
Bellphon, Ductile iron, 36” x 14” x 14”, Medium scale ductile iron casting from a lathed form derived from a Bezier curve; digitally designed in Rhino 3D Nurbs Modeling program, enlarged and CNC milled in Styrofoam. Sand cast by the artist in 2 sections and assembled. These first three images echo the underlying forms used to apply numerical data streams as textures in the smaller rapid prototypes.
The surfaces and translucency of my sculptural and virtual artworks give them properties of inner life and animation despite their digitally archived nature, pointing out qualities of inherent spirituality, tactile beauty, and luminosity. While the work retains the touch of the artists’ hand, it also reveals the artifacts of the digital processes through which it has been taken, such as layering, texturing, and rasterization.
sculpture, ductile iron, Digital, Arizona State Univ