Department Chair
Kevin J. Miller, Interim Dean of the Graduate School
Date of Award
Access Control
Open Access
Degree Name
Multidisciplinary Studies - Individualized Option, M.A.
Multidisciplinary Studies
Jing Zhang
First Reader
Jing Zhang
Second Reader
Fran Paskowitz
This study examined the general teachers’ attitudes toward the teacher ranking system in China and whether this ranking system can motivate teachers to work harder. One hundred and eighty-seven teachers from 54 elementary schools in Beijing of China were surveyed using Charlotte Danielson Frame Work for Teaching Evaluation. The result showed that the relationship between years of teaching and higher titles is a positive correlation, which means with more teaching years of experience, teachers will get higher titles. A negative correlation was revealed between years of teaching and education levels, which means teachers who taught more years tend to get lower education levels. Teachers with higher titles also considered as more structural and skilled teachers. In general, most teachers hold positive attitudes towards this ranking system.
Recommended Citation
Liu, Siyuan, "Examining Elementary Teachers’ Attitudes toward the Teacher Ranking System in China" (2017). Multidisciplinary Studies Theses. 12.