Sober Truth on Preventing (STOP) Underage Drinking Act Grant



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The goal of this project is to reduce underage drinking by youth on the West Side of Buffalo, NY. Two evidence-based approaches to reduce underage alcohol use and consequences are being implemented. The objectives are to enhance the existing BPS alcohol policy to be developed in within the Buffalo Public Schools and the 553 students attending BPS 204 and 305.This policy will be an amendment and expansion of the current Buffalo Public Schools Wellness Parent Policy to include Mandated Parent Awareness Education (alcohol, Rx drugs, and mental health). The second is alcohol sales compliance checks that are being done in cooperation with the Erie County Sheriff’s Office. The WSYDC and Erie County Sherriff’s office are focusing on enforcing underage drinking laws through compliance checks on the West Side of Buffalo. This poster will detail grant specifcs and initial findings.

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Sober Truth on Preventing (STOP) Underage Drinking Act Grant
