Theses from 2024
Theses from 2023
The Determinants of Homeownership: Mortgage Rates, Median Household Income and Vacancy Rates, Aisha S. Mackey
Theses from 2022
A Comparison of M&T Bank and Citizens Bank Net Income Changes During the Coronavirus Pandemic, Alex R. Glasier
Theses from 2021
Economic Growth In Haiti, Marc Arthur L. Barthelemy
The Cost of Crime: A Study on Human Trafficking, Kirsten Krug
An Analysis of the Impact of RMB Exchange Rate on China's Outward Foreign Direct Investment, Yuchao Li
The Great Transition: A Cost-Benefit Analysis of Transitioning from Diesel Fuel Buses to Zero Emission Electric Buses for the NFTA in The Buffalo-Niagara Falls MSA, Jonathan C. Meyers
Theses from 2020
The Gap Between Family Income and Graduation Rates, Kaylee M. Gatto
Cost-Benefit Analysis of Constructing and Operating a Streetcar System in Buffalo, NY, Daniel Kevin Zielinski
Theses from 2019
Economic and Demographic Determinants of the Consumption, Saving and Borrowing Behaviors of Households, Micaela Joseph
Toward a More Universal Currency: The Impact of the Clearing Mechanism on Developing Economies, Evan Ross Kaderbeck
Does Family Income Determine A Children Future Educational Attainment Level?, Diaisha T. Richards
Theses from 2018
Effects of Spending on New York Counties Six Year Graduation Rate, Maxwell B. Costello
Corporate Social Responsibility and Financial Performance: An Examination of the Dow Jones Sustainability North American Index, Elizabeth A. Fides
Cryptocurrencies as an Alternative to Fiat Monetary Systems, David A. Georgeson
Full Employment, or a New Reserve Army? A Marxian Critique of the Employer of Last Resort, Michael Heubusch
Does Debt Matter?, Luhan Li
An Analysis of Chinese Trade and FTA using Gravity Model, MINYU LIU
The Impact of Macroeconomic Factors on the Price of Gold, Yunhao Sun
Impact of Online Shopping on Shopping Malls, Xaioxing Yan
Impact of Falling Oil Prices on US Economic Conditions in Both the Short Run and the Medium Run, Aye Mya Thant Zin
Theses from 2017
Has Social Security Been Effective?, Matthew V. Danwin
Consequences of Information Asymmetry on Corporate Risk Management, Howard J. Merrill III
Behavioral Economics and the Effects of Psychology on the Stock Market, Justin L. Nagy
The Impact of Money Supply and Electronic Money: Empirical Evidence from Central Bank in China, Rui Qin
Stock Market Wealth impact on Consumption Expenditure, Ramberto Jr. Sosa Cueto
Theses from 2016
The Role of Performance and Gender in Hiring Decisions, Hayley Capshaw
An Empirical Study of Earnings of Immigrants and Native-Born Americans in the U.S. Labor Market Given Different Levels of Educational Attainment, Yuli P. Gomez Bravo
From the Classical School to Today: The Evolution of Stagnation Theories, Francis J. Lukacovic II
Economic Growth, Natural Mineral Resources and Education in Developing Countries, Kasimu J. Mayundo
Portfolio Asset Allocation On a Sector Rotation Strategy Triggered by Fed's Discount Rate, Jorge Luis Orozco
Reconsidering the Economics of Public Policy: An Institutionalist Critique of Neoclassical Welfare Economics, Ryan J. Undercoffer
Theses from 2015
The Static Future of the International Financial System, Brad M. Agen
Analysis of the Euro and the European Monetary System and Its Effect on Greece in the Light of the European Financial Crisis, Mohamed Alinur
A New Approach to Measuring Poverty in the United States: A Household's Ability to Consume, David Ashelman
An Evaluation of the Proposal to Implement a Chained Weighted CPI, David Lock
Economic Growth and Development in Sub-Saharan Africa, Asia, and Latin America: The Impact of Human Capital, Angui D. Macham
Theses from 2014
Application of Microcredit to Haiti’s Economy: A Step Towards Poverty Reduction, Jimy Rosemberg
Theses from 2013
Industrial Machine Analysis: Economic Quality Control, Vandyke Kotoroka-Yiadom
Influence of Corruption, Foreign Direct Investment and Net Domestic Credit on Economic Growth, Meng Mi
Impact of Oil Prices Fluctuations on Economies in the Age of Globalization, Ancel Raynaud Soh feussi
The Impact of US Subprime Mortgage Crisis on the Chinese Real-estate Market, Yiwen Zhou
Forecasting Foreign Exchange Rates, Timothy M. Znaczko
Theses from 2012
Effect of Government Spending on Economic Growth: A Case Study of Saudi Arabia, Fayez Saeed Alshahrani
The Effects of the 2007-2009 Economic Crisis on Global Automobile Industry, Xue Bai