Date of Award


Access Control

Open Access

Degree Name

Creative Studies, M.S.


Center for Studies in Creativity


Dr. Susan Keller-Mathers

Department Home page

First Reader

Dr. Susan Keller-Mathers


The well-respected Buffalo State College International Center for Studies in Creativity (ICSC) offers undergraduate and graduate degrees in face-to-face and online formats but has taught its online courses using predominantly traditional design formats. For their master’s degree project, graduate students David Yates and Dylan Gafarian hoped to lead the department in a new direction by creating and teaching an online game version of CRS 559--Principles in Creative Problem Solving, which is the first course in both the Certificate and Master’s Degree in Creativity and Change Leadership. Yates and Gafarian followed established practices for both game structure and online course design. They took their lead for the latter from training provided by the State University Of New York Information Technology department, and used that department’s Open SUNY Course Quality Review (OSCQR) as a guide (See Appendix G). Yates and Gafarian team taught their gamified version of CRS 559 in the spring of 2019 and followed well-documented pedagogical practices for effective online teaching.
