Department Chair

Andrew D. Nicholls, Ph.D., Professor of History

Date of Award


Access Control

Open Access

Degree Name

History, M.A.


History and Social Studies Education Department


Cynthia Conides, Ph.D., Associate Professor

Department Home page

First Reader

Cynthia Conides, Ph.D., Associate Professor

Second Reader

John Abromeit, Ph.D., Assistant Professor


Holocaust museums around the world are unique in their respective missions, funding, architecture and exhibitions. Some of these distinctions are extreme, leaving museums seemingly opposites of each other. To better understand these diversities, this thesis analyzes Holocaust museums in France, Germany, Poland, Israel and the United States. Through analysis, unique facets in many basic areas of the museums can be found, with many of these being affected by which country the museum is in. By seeing what museums choose to include and leave out, we are able to see what parts of the Holocaust could use more attention and how this can be achieved.
